2012Dec 5 - Dec 9
Results - 12th World Danceweek in Mikolajki Poland
Country: Poland
City: Mikolajki
World Cup | Modern | Formations | Children
place | name | member |
1 | Formacja Tanca Nowoczesnego Luz - Siedlce - Dancetitle: Modern | Poland |
2 | Reliese - Dancetitle: Modern | Poland |
3 | Caro Dance Warszawa/Lukow - Dancetitle: Modern | Poland |
4 | SPINKI 2 Rumia - Dancetitle: Modern | Poland |
5 | Svoy Style | Russian Federation |
6 | GELME - Dancetitle: Soul fair | Lithuania |
7 | Benefice - Dancetitle: The truth of water drop | Latvia |
8 | Benefice - Dancetitle: Bubblegum on it is own | Latvia |